We would like each game to go beyond mere entertainment and to create new affinities with those who play it. In order to achieve this, we have proposed to extend the world of video games to other social disciplines such as communication, pedagogy and education.

Desdobla la figura

To teach geometry, a branch of mathematics that studies the properties of figures in a plane or in space, Unfold the Figure game proposes that each player must recognise which of the unfolded packaging images corresponds to the object presented in the centre of the screen.

Separa la basura

A correct recycling system for our waste prevents us from polluting our resources. Recycling of Waste game proposes that each player identifies the bin that corresponds to the waste that appears in the centre of the screen, with the aim of teaching children about recycling.

Tapa fugas

We need to take care of the water so that it can reach all of us. Stop leaking game make us aware of that, we have to work as a team to plug the leakages before the central tank is empty.

Problemas matemáticos

Thanks to mathematics, we can explain how things work. Mathematical problems game makes mathematical thinking fun.

¿Dónde viven?

Caring for wildlife and nature means caring for our planet. To show the different ecosystems of Mexico City, on
Where do They Live? game each player must drag the animal tiles from the middle of the screen and place them in the correct ecosystem.

